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I think this is a fun little story
with reference to Droras Bavarian Furniture.
Not long ago Drora at blog-link: Droras minimundo,
publisheda post of what she called “Bavarian
Furniture” that she had received as a gift.
I was sure that I had seen some of these furniture
before, so I looked in one of my old catalogues from
year 1998 and I found dollhouse furniture in the same
series as her Bavarian furniture, from year 1998.
Some of them looks like hers.They were sold by a
company for hobby material called "Direct Trade AB"
here in Sweden. It is a hobby/Internet and postorder
I think that it is fun that I remembered them and that I
have saved the catalogue all these years. But these
furniture are special I must say. So it seems that
these kind of furniture was sold in more then one c
ountry. Don´t know the manufacturing country.
Published with permision/
Allmoge miniature furniture sold by Direct Trade AB,
Close up photo Allmoge miniature furniture
Source/Källa Direct Trade AB, Sweden
Close up photo Allmoge miniature furniture
The style with the flowers and the patterns on the
furniture looks like the Swedish real sized old country
furniture called “Allmoge–Furniture”, from the 18th
and 19th centuries. These kind of furniture were build
and painted in a lot of villages and places in the
countryside by different local carpenters and
painters in Sweden at that time. All the painters had to
here own style, patterns and colours.They are now
collecting objects.
I know that a lot of the real sized furniture has been
bought by collectors.“all over the world” at antique
auctions. They love them. That is now a problem for
antique lovers in Sweden, because to many furniture
has left Sweden andthey are now in other countries.
A lot of them (for example), in the USA.
Source/Källa Sörmlands Museum, Sweden
The photo above is a real sized Allmoge furniture. It is
just asmall photo but interesting to see I think.
You can also see this photo in this Link to:
Sörmlands Museum
My Lundby Allmoge Dollhouse furniture.
A glimpse of the booklet with Lundby Allmoge Furniture
from late 1970´s.