I planted a new houseplant "Princess of the Night".
Nattens Prinsessa, (S. pteranthus) a while ago. It
only took a few weeks for it to grow up as in the
first photo.
I had another one for many years that also
bloomed and I've missed it, so now I am happy
and hope this will be just as nice.
This is my new plant of "Princess of the Night".
Nattens Prinsessa(S. pteranthus).
Today it looks like this. Just took the photo. This is
only a few weeks later than the photo above

This is the plant I had before of "Princess of the
Night". Nattens Prinsessa (S. pteranthus).
Hello Lil,
SvaraRaderaI will keep my fingers crossed and hope that it will be as magnificent as the one you used to have. What a fantastic plant and such a beautiful flower.
Big hug,
I do not know that type of flower. Very beautiful flower head.
SvaraRaderaGood Luck
What an interesting plant! The blossom looks lovely. I had not heard of Nattens prinsessa before, but I checked and we do have it with the same name here too.
SvaraRaderaGiac: Glad you like the Princess. When and if, it blooms everything else will be cancelled, because it only do so for one evening, so everybody wants to look at that...It is Amazing!
SvaraRaderaHugs Lil
Wyrna: Thank you for visiting. It is a great and special plant and I love it!
SvaraRaderaHugs Lil
Minna: Glad you like the plant. There is another similar plant that is called Nattens Drottning "The Queen of the Night", that looks almost the same.
Wow, vilken ormlik växt! Jag hade massa kaktusar förut, men inte ens dem klarade jag att ta hand om.. Jag glömmer att vattna mina blommor, men jag har några överlevare här hemma =)
SvaraRaderaThey really grow fast. A little like Audrey from Little Shop ? :) I think it is beautiful!
SvaraRaderaКакой великолепный цветок. Вы любите цветы и они дарят Вам свою любовь!
Hi Lil, I have never seen this type of plant, very interesting. I love the flowers!
SvaraRaderaHugs, Ilona
den verkar verkligen trivas hos dig. Jag satte ju ett par skott men de verkar inte vilja vara med på noterna. Hoppas vi får blommor hos dig i alla fall.
SvaraRaderaSusanna: Thank´s for visiting!
Hannah: Tack för visiten! Jag sköter nog mina växter på samma sätt allihop. De verkar inte ha något emot det... Ha, ha...
Sans: Ha, ha... you're right!
SvaraRaderaThank´s for the visit!
Tatiana: Yes, I think my flower know that I love them. Glad to see you here.
Ilona: The mother plant of this one has been i my family for like 80-100 years and still is. But I did not have one myself for a couple of years and I missed it!
SvaraRaderaHugs Lil
NatureFootstep: Hoppas den tar sig! Hoppas min fortsätter trivas i alla fall så vi får glädje av den! (Kanske man skulle sätta ett till?)
Es la primera vez que la veo y parecen como raices.......pero las flores que tiene son absolutamente preciosas.
SvaraRaderaGracias por compartir.
besitos ascension